Noah Trần

Hi! I'm Noah Trần
An Asexual Full Stack Developer

My favorite tech includes JavaScript (NEXT.JS, SvelteKit, Vite or RSBuild), TailwindCSS, shadcn/ui, Node.js, Bun.js, Express.js && PostgresSQL or Google Firebase/Firestore!

And Rust, mostly Tauri, Tauri Mobile.

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A few of my creative endeavors.

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A bit about me.

I am . . .


a self taught developer

I taught myself to code using free online resources and absolutely fell in love with the creativity and problem solving that is involved in developing and engineering innovative new online experiences. Currently all of my works and researchs are quite decent in the JavaScript Ecosystem. And I won't be hesitate to learn new things everyday.


a product design & UX finatic

I always want my user to have a good looking UI app on their screen. So I'm a careful guy when choosing a design language for my apps. A guarantee for a harmony and symmetrical design UI/UX for users.


an excellent communicator

I'm a Vietnamese. But I can use English as my second language fluently. I believe communication is key and it's a paramount value of mine. During problem solving process, my communication skill will come in handy to help with the team's project, and a essential part for creating a good colleague relationship in any workspace.

The Complete Package
Candidate #1 Candidate #2 Candidate #3 Me
Critical Thought
Interpersonal Skills
Programming Ability

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